Keep track of your life in real time with MemorizeIt!
Use natural language, just finish the sentences: "I am" or "I just". Easy and powerful.
Don't enter periods, just the words.
You can usually memorize what you want to remember in just a few words.
If you're recording something your child does, use terms like 'watching...' for "I am" or 'watched...' for "I just". Or better yet, open a new account for them, it's easy to switch between accounts, and their
stuff won't clutter yours.
Use the facebook connect to get access to your friends names so you don't have to enter them.
When you log in to or you'll be presented with the Memorize options:
"SpeakIt" is if your device has a voice to text feature. You can say "I am ...", "I just ...", or "I must ..." then tap MemorizeIt!, and it will put your command into the correct category for you: TimeIt,
TrackIt, or List: To Do, respectively.
"TrackIt" is for keeping track of things, like how many glasses of water you drank. eg. "I just" 'drank a glass of water'. If you do that each time you drink a glass of water you'll be able to go to the
Remember tab and see how many glasses of water you had last week, or last month, etc.
"TimeIt" is for timing things like I am 'driving'. Just type in 'driving' and hit Start above it. You'll see it appear below in the "to Finish" section. When you're done driving just hit the "Finished"
button and you'll have memorized when you started driving, when you finished driving, and how long you were driving for. If you did this everyday you'd be able to see how much time you spend driving your
car and when you drive it.
"NoteIt" allows you to write whatever you like there up to 8192 characters which should be enough for any note, dream, idea, etc. But the reusable headings make this an easily categorized and searchable
memory bank. And you can edit notes too, to add to them later. I like to enter the note first, then select the heading after so that I don't forget what it was I wanted to remember before I enter it. This
is where you'd keep track of client notes, by entering their full name as the heading, then writing anything you want about them in the note for later recall. No need to find an old note to edit it, just
select their name as the heading and write some more about them, it will all be there when you need it!
"ListIt" is for entering things into lists. Once you mark them as "Done" you'll be able to 'RememberIt' to see when and what you accomplished. Great for a To Do list, or a Bucket List, a Lent Out List,
or any kind of list.
The RememberIt tab is where you go to recall anything you've memorized:
"by Category" is where you can lookup older "TrackIt's" etc, or use "All" to search your whole memory for a keyword, like 'David James' and then you'll see every entry you've ever made about him, including
the "I just's" for when you saw him, and notes under that heading or in the note itself, etc. between the date range you specify above.
"by Day" allows you to pick a specific date and see everything you memorized that day.
"by Calendar" allows you to visually recall everything you've memorized that month, week, or on a specific day. "by Calendar" looks best on your computer or a tablet, as the visual recall is too large
for small screens.
The future will bring in the ability to store videos, among other things to make your life even easier to remember, as long as you MemorizeIt!