Memorize Ideas, Happenings, Thoughts, Occurences, Recipes, To Do's, Grocery Lists, Keep a Diary, etc. the only limit is your imagination. Just MemorizeIt! and you'll never forget it again.
TrackIt, TimeIt, NoteIt, ListIt
TrackIt helps you to keep track of how often, how many times, what, etc. TimeIt helps you to record how long you're doing something, simply. NoteIt allows you to keep track of any thought, long or short, and can be used for complex lists. ListIt is a list keeper that you can add and mark memos as done and it keeps track of when you Added it (eg. I need Milk) and when you mark it Done (eg. I just bought Milk) so you can see how often you buy Milk too...
The first time you enter a repetitive action, like "ate out for dinner at Cactus Club for $43 with Gabrielle" it may take you a minute, but the next time you're at Cactus Club and open MemorizeIt! it will prefill it for you so you can adjust, or not, and be done in 7 seconds or less. The more you use it the easier & smarter it gets. Also great for grocery lists and the like, since we tend to purchase the same things over and over, you can add repetitive things to your list with just a few taps.
Add a photo (available now) or video (coming soon) to any memo.
Click the Facebook and/or Twitter buttons to share your memo/photo with your friends and/or followers.
RememberIt to know how long, how many times, averages and see it in charts (coming soon) by keyword, heading, date, or view them on a calendar, EASY!